Cultivate, Craft, Communicate

Welcome to the coastal climate kid collective!

Aligned with North America’s meteorological seasons, children who participated in the Coastal Climate Kid Collective received a seasonal kit full of fun, child-centered activities. Through the series of seasonal observations and at-home exercises, each Coastal Climate Kid:

  1. Cultivated relationships within the ecosystems of their coastal city;

  2. Crafted representations of their dynamic environments and their changing relationship within them across seasons; 

  3. Communicated with a connected network of learners across three geographically-diverse coastal regions.

This website showcases the crafts created by Coastal Climate Kid Collective from throughout the focal cities of Boston, Massachusetts; San Diego, California; and Toronto, Ontario.

What do coastal climate kids do?

Each seasonal kit was geared toward helping children in Boston, San Diego, and Toronto cultivate their skills as kid ecologists. As they completed kit activities, Coastal Climate Kids practiced observing relationships between organisms and habitats of all sizes. From the tiniest of ants crawling on the sidewalk to the large bodies of water in their coastal city, children enriched their understanding of community and fostered their communicative skills as they crafted representations of their noticing about how humans, other organisms, and other parts of nature interact.

Dark lake lined with a bank of snowy rocks, trees, and a slightly pink, cloudy sky

Coastal Climate Kids draws upon research supported by the Government of Canada’s New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF).

Coastal Climate Kids repose sur des recherches financées par le fonds Nouvelles frontières en recherche du gouvernement du Canada.

Contact us

252 Bloor Street West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1V6